Resilience, awareness, mindfulness.

In der Einsamkeit blüht eine violette Distel vor einem weichen, malerischen Hintergrund.

“The core invitation of mindfulness is for you to befriend yourself. That means recognizing and inhabiting your own intrinsic wholeness and beauty in the only moment any of us ever has–namely this one.”
— Jon Kabat-Zinn, PhD, founder of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR)

Ein Bild von Stefan Christian Aeschbach

About me

Before becoming aware of my therapeutic skills, I worked for many years in management positions for various companies, focusing on project management and application development. I have a degree in business process development with separate leadership studies and a certificate of advanced studies in practical counseling from the Zurich University of Applied Sciences, with a specialization in systemic solution-oriented counseling.

My existential crisis triggered my journey, which I have been on for many years, to find and improve my inner self, to add depth, authenticity, quality of life, and spirituality. My life has changed a lot since I started this journey. I am happier and more at peace with myself and life in general. My life has become deeper, more real, and much more fulfilling.

Over the years, I have tried, tested, and learned a lot. My experiences led me to the Learning Love Institute. I found their approach so healing that I trained in this method myself. In addition, I completed the full training with Malcolm S. Southwood, a spiritual healer, teacher, and author since 1984.

During a nine-month sabbatical in 2011 that took me to Australia, Brazil, and the United States, I decided to pursue my calling to work as a therapist to help others in their process.

I live and work in Zurich. I am a certified practitioner in Somatic Experiencing® (SE™), The NeuroAffective Relational Model™ (NARM®), The Learning Love Work and trained in Marshall B. Rosenberg's “Nonviolent Communication” and Urs Honauer's “Authentic Communication”.

Services offered

Holistic, verbal, body-oriented process support with the tools of Somatic Experiencing® (SE™), The NeuroAffective Relational Model™ (NARM®), The Learning Love Work, Nonviolent Communication (NVC) and the Polarity communication model.

Develop self-regulation, grow awareness, gain relational skills, improve quality of life.

I encourage you not to distance yourself from your present inner situation. Instead, be aware of it and recognize the present moment. Practice mindfulness and be fully present to release yourself from the grip of the past and the future. Come to terms with things as they are by embracing them in moment-to-moment awareness. We will explore how to find inner silence in what is unfolding in the present moment.

Gain relational skills to build better relationships for yourself and others, restore and reignite meaningful connections, and enhance your quality of life.

For more information, please visit the links & documents and read the testimonials about me.

Please note that sending a message via the contact form is a more straightforward option, as I am rarely available by phone.

Would you like to schedule a 20-minute introductory video call or book a discovery session?

Would you like to schedule an individual session?
(Personal login details required.)

Appointments occur by arrangement, on-site or via video call, on Monday and Friday.

No health insurance recognition. Prices and terms.